Xone K2 Traktor Mapping Downloads

Xone K2 Traktor Mapping

Mapping(s) for Traktor 2. Mapping for two Allen & Heath Xone:K2. Pioneer Hardware + Traktor software I developed this Mapping because the beatjump function. Nov 12, 2013. Super Mario Mushroom Revolution 3. Well Animine is back with a new and improved mapping for the Allen and Heath K2. This time it is set up to control 4 decks, but with the intention of using two K2's together. So those lucky enough to own Xone K2's this is for you! The first K2 is set up to control deck A and C, whilst the second is set up to.

This is a mapping for basic 4-deck control of Traktor with the Allen & Heath Xone:K2. It handles internal mixing (line faders & EQs), FX Unit assign, basic transport, & hotcues (1-4) for each deck. The line faders, EQs, FX unit assign,channel monitor, & Gain work for decks setup as either track or sample decks. Valentine Day Video Download Phantomjs more. The transport (layer 2 -Amber) & hotcues (layer 3 - green) are relevant only for track decks Everything is divided along vertical strips.one for each Deck C,A,B,D order.

Dell Sigmatel Audio Driver Download Windows Xp. Top encoders are for gain.push for channel monitor. Rotary pots and their buttons for EQs and EQ Kills, Line faders are self explanatory. I have only the bottom set of buttons set to use layers Layer 1: turn on FX units 1-4 for each deck Layer 2: Play, Cue, Sync, load selected track to deck Layer 3: Hotcues 1-4 for each deck bottom encoders: left encoder scrolls through track list, push button loads and plays track in preview player, right encoder seeks through track playing in the preview player Button on bottom right is SHIFT.