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RichardK, excellent progress! Its quite amazing, what you are doing! Just from my side thanks again.
We ensure strong connection to wide range of industry and services through technical glass. Our products are in general used as a final industry products or semi-products thanks to excellent physical and chemical properties of borosillicate glass and unique glassmaking precise process. Traditional delivery are.
Its like a series on TV, I cannot wait until the next one arrives! I have had a quick look and have listed some issues. Some are in hand with you already and some may be just my own ignorance. These are just to help you sort out any bugs. If anyone else can confirm the issues that would maybe help you more: 1. Autoset is not taking one to best settings option, on every run it changes the Volt/Div to a different value. On the OEM program the Trigger marker is also set to the middle of the Waveform amplitude.
Richard was working on this. Print preview screen underlines the words when typing in Notes. Can the underline be removed? Richard was adding this function. OEM software has an Autohide feature for the control panel.
Not provided in OPEN6022be yet. Mobile Forensics.Zip Download Free. Not sure if this is needed or useful to anyone.
The OEM software had the date and time displayed at right hand bottom corner, as well as the ”Running” in the left bottom corner. Not displayed in OPEN6022BE. On OEM software only the active trigger marker shows, the non-active trigger does not show, but OPEN6022BE shows all the triggers whether active or not.
Not sure if this is intentional or not. Does not keep GUI settings yet, if you close and reopen later. Not sure if it should, but also does not stay in Demo mode if you shut down and restart, but the settings part seem to work now! When closing down while rendering Phosphor persistence, it restarts in Phosphor mode correctly, but then incorrectly indicates that it is in Normal mode. The zoom function cuts off after 19 steps, but the counter can be clicked up into the hundreds. In XY mode the second source pointer which stays horizontal (incorrectly) still needs to be moved to vertical top when in XY mode.
(In hand with Richard) 9. Display Ch1 Ch2 and Reference wave as square wave. Select Trigger sweep Normal. Move reference wave trigger position marker to the lower part of the reference waveform. Ch1 and Ch2 suddenly goes off the screen to the top.
Reference wave was out of phase with internal 1k waveform, now nearly in phase, but square wave shows it is still out by a small margin. Can select Reference as trigger even if Reference waveform is off.
Reference shows 500mV while Math selected as trigger when off shows 0V. Right click on waveform marker and a pop up Hide box comes up and if cursor is over marker it switches the channel off. But Hide can be right clicked anywhere in this left margin still displays popup, which does nothing obviously. Left clicking mouse cursor anywhere on screen gives Ch1 and Ch2 voltage readings in a small box which corresponds to whatever position the mouse cursor is. Not sure if this is intentional or what it is supposed to be doing? RichardK, Thanks for all the feedback.
The following issue you replied on (see below), just does not make sense to me or else I am having an Alzheimer moment! The popup box with Ch1 & Ch2 voltages shown are related to the position of the mouse pointer and the popup box appears after a moment of delay as you move the mouse pointer onto the graticule area from outside of it, then goes off after a short period of display. Now if you keep the mouse pointer on the graticule area and just move it to any position and left click the mouse, then the box pops up again with different voltages related to that point you moved it to and the waveforms. Why would one want to see Ch1 &Ch2 voltages related to the mouse pointer clicks so far away from the waveform? I just cannot see what this could be used for or it is performing differently to what you intended? Most likely it is just my ignorance at play here. Great work guy's saleae logic uses the same cypress chip and they are getting 24MHz LA stream directly from the chip to the pc; now from what I understand Richard is writing this open6022be software as a frontend using SDK so the driver sends firmware to the cy, and then SDK talk to cy and gets data the same way original crappy app does.
What I find interesting is maybe ditching the whole hantek driver and rewriting the firmware completely. If saleae can stream 24MHz from the cy (that's half of what this scope can sample) maybe adding a functionality to stream 24MHz from the adc and then do everything else in the software? Triggering, fft, logging?